
Volume entitled: "A brief history of the origin and progress of the royal harbour of Ramsgate"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Volume entitled: "Hipparchus of Bithynia. Of the Phenomena of Aratus and Eudoxus. The 3rd Exposition out of Book 3 in 3 Expositions"

Geoffrey Key Sketches of Wire and Rod Making Process at Richard Johnson & Nephew

An American Powdermaker in Europe : Lammot du Pont's Journal, 1858, by Norman B. Wilkinson

1 volume

Manual entitled: "The Manufacture of polyethylene by the ICI process. Volume 1A"

Manuals and research papers for the 70-70F mass spectrometer

Manuals and research papers for the 70-70F mass spectrometer

1 item

Booklet titled "The CEGB and Nuclear Power Questions and Answers"


Zeus Precision metric revision chart booklet


Bound volume entitled: "History of British Moulded Hose Company Limited"

3 items

Watercolour paintings of mills by Frank Wightman

2 items (32 pages & 24 pages)

Newspaper supplements of the Portsmouth Evening News relating to the Mary Rose ship



Rod Mill

Rod Mill

Skylark Stage 5 Phase 2 Attitude Control Unit Dynamic Test Schedule


An article from 'Electronics & Power' magazine

"Tischtennis" television video disc

1 CD

Photographs of Linotype and Machinery Employees taken by Bob Watkins


Bound volume entitled: "History of BTR Industries Limited"

0.1 linear metres

Photographs of electrical equipment

9 sheets

Construction drawings of Ledge Waggon


Original script for a television play entitled ‘Banting and Best’

2 sheets

Drawings of Horse Slaughterer's Cart


Wall chart entitled: "Guide to How Britain runs its Science"

3 sheets

Construction drawings of Conestoga Waggon


Booklet: 'Fakenham Gasworks'

Illustrated colour brochure providing an overview of the various departments which mad up GEC Power Engineering Limited.

GEC Power Engineering Limited


Commemorative brochure for the designation of the Newcomen Memorial Engine at Dartmouth as an International Historic Mechanical Landmark by the American Society of Engineers.

5 sheets

Construction drawings of Oxfordshire Waggon


Thesis abstract entitled: "An investigation of nuclear transplantation in the mammalian egg by J.D. Bromhall"


'Development of the theory of critical flow through nozzles: an international achievement'

2 items

Technical drawings depicting heavy farm waggon


Publicity booklet for The Digital Schneider Trophy Race, 24 June 1984

5 prints

Lithographs - Richard Johnson & Nephew Ltd by Geoffrey Key


Bound volume entitled: "History of James Lyne Hancock Limited"


Bound volume entitled: "History of the Silvertown Rubber Company Limited"


MA thesis entitled "Some aspects of the life of Bishop John Wilkins, 1614-1672"


Master Index to Historical Notes of BTR Industries Limited, Silvertown Rubber Company Limited, James Lyne Hancock Limited and British Moulded Hose Company Limited

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Preliminary general arrangement for 70 foot diameter articulated turntable

1 item

"UK national consensus conference on plant biotechnology" a final report


Photograph: William Grey Walter's retirement party (1975)

Scale plan (1" to 50 Feet) showing the layout of the site, located next to the Bridgewater Canal, at Trafford Park includes numbered index to buildings.

Layout of Works at Trafford Park

1 item

Booklet titled "The CEGB proves its point"

Instructions for installation, maintenance, chain fitting and adjustment, plus spare parts lists.

Maintenance Manual for PIV Gears

1 item

"Atom" magazine, number 328, the monthly information bulletin of UKAEA

1 item

3 photos of an ICL 2980 installation.


Letter from Professor Ian Bremner to Dr Peter Collins relating to the work carried out by Dr Pusztai on transgenic potatoes